As National Apprenticeship Week 2023 is drawing to a close, we’d like to wrap up by highlighting the success of another of our hard-working apprentices, Amanda.

Amanda has been a valuable part of the team for 16 years. Beginning her Forsberg journey as our Shipping Assistant, before working her way up through the Sales department and eventually moving into the role of Business Compliance Officer. Working across a broad range of departments equipped her with a wealth of invaluable experience and knowledge across the business. Amanda had a strong interest in the compliance field but no formal training which prompted her to research and discover her current apprenticeship.

Amanda began her apprenticeship journey in October 2022 and is currently studying towards her Level 4 Regulatory Compliance Officer qualification, provided by CSA UK. The apprenticeship takes a total of 16 months to complete, involving a range of modules designed to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to perform, monitor, and support key regulatory compliance activities within our company sector.

“The support I have received from Forsberg has been amazing. They support my time off to study every week and really champion my development. Chris (Managing Director) and Lorene (Company Secretary) are really encouraging of me, taking the time to mentor me, sharing their knowledge, and showing a genuine interest in my progress.”

Amanda Kitching, Business Compliance Officer, Forsberg Services Ltd.

Amanda expects to complete her apprenticeship at the end of the year, and once complete, she aspires to continue her learning journey aiming to complete the level 5 qualification next. In terms of the benefit she hopes to have on the business…..

“As I’ve learned, compliance affects all areas of the business, and the Compliance department has a responsibility to ensure they have oversight of other departments and to ensure they are regulating their own functions day to day activities. As part of the compliance checking process, we should be offering support and advice when necessary. With the knowledge I gain from this apprenticeship, I hope to improve the structure of our compliance programme and how compliance is seen across all departments.”

We’re proud to support Amanda throughout her apprenticeship and her career progression here at Forsberg. It’s a pleasure to be able to share and celebrate her inspiring journey so far and we look forward to our future successes together.
